South Bay Mobile Bicycle Mechanic

"Who wrenches on your ride"?



“Delivering premium bicycle service work direct to consumer”


South Bay Mobile Bicycle Mechanic – Expert Freelance Mechanic Serving the South Bay. This is the modern way to meet your bicycle servicing needs. To operate efficiently, bicycles need regular tune-ups by qualified mechanics. The next time your bike is in need of service, don’t head to the LBS (local bike shop). Most likely your bike will be worked on by a high school kid with little experience. Margins are too thin for shops to pay more than $10/hour for mechanics, so that is what they get. Most shops these days have other agendas as well, primarily selling bikes. They operate a service shop to be a full service dealer, not to give you great deals on tune-ups. They have mechanic payroll costs regardless if there is a large or small volume of repairs. If the day is slow, your bike is going to get a better tune-up. If the day is packed full of repairs, your bike will receive the assembly line, spend no more than 45min treatment. There are exceptions of course. I’ve worked with a handful of mechanics who do exceptional work, whom are very honest, but they are far and few. You may already have established a relationship with one of these mechanics, and when you take your bike for service into that shop you won’t let anyone but them work on your ride. I stay stick with that mechanic, because they have shown you their work and they are delivering consistently.


I have eight years experience wrenching at several types of bike shops across the Bay Area. I have extensive experience working with all types of mountain, road, bmx, cross, and custom bikes. What I am offering is a new way to have your bike work done. My operation is completely mobile. I can perform my work in any lighted 6’X6’ area. Lighted underground parking areas, balconies, garages, anywhere.  My business is embracing the modern way to do business. You are working directly with the expert mechanic. Nobody else is getting paid with your penny. Contacting me is easy; drop me an email “rob@[remove]” to have any questions answered, or to arrange a service appointment. I easily yahoo map your address, I travel to you (no charge) and you get the best work for your money. Need parts? The Internet shops have the best deals, but people still need advice from a mechanic as to what size is right, what are the compatibility issues, etc. Drop me an email- I’ll assist you if I can- no charge either. Thank you for your time in reading this, I hope to hear from you.